About Us
The Insurance Loss Control Association (ILCA) was formed in 1931 by a small group of fire protection professionals who recognized the need for a means by which members of their profession could exchange ideas on loss control and fire inspection practices. Their primary objective in forming the association was to enable loss control professionals to continue to increase their knowledge of fire prevention and protection.
During its development, ILCA experienced changes in both identification and affiliation. Originally the National Fire Protection Association sponsored the organization. For a time we were associated with the former Federation of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies assisted with the annual conferences. Later, the federation assumed full sponsorship of the organization's annual meetings, which were identified as "Mutual Engineers' Conferences." Eventually the federation was absorbed into the Alliance of American Insurers and the organization changed its identification to the Insurance Loss Control Association.
Presently, the Insurance Loss Control Association is an independent nonprofit organization.
The membership represents over 100 different insurance companies, executive, supervisory, technical specialists, and safety/loss control generalists in the industry, as well as students pursuing related careers.
The focus of the association has evolved to include professional education of members in all aspects of health, safety, and environmental loss prevention.
When it comes to professional development, ILCA continues to be one of the best values on the market. ILCA was originally organized as the means for the membership to network with our peers in the profession, and to improve our skill and knowledge level. This remains as a continuing goal of the organization.